Trask Industries – Advancing Human Progress for 50 years

Bolívar Trask founded Trask Industries in 1967 in the effort to stem the growth of Mutants, and ultimately preserve the human race.

X-Men Fans Rejoice is a flashy promotional website for the upcoming X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014). The page chronicles the history of mutants in the population, gives some sciency verbage about genetics, and provides a short video about Trask’s role in the future of humanity. My X-Men devotee friends will be twitching with excitement. The site will definitely get ME into the theater.

“Solving Tomorrow’s Problems, Today”

The creative centerpiece for the site is the menacing Sentinal, a dark Transformer-like robot with the burdensome task of preserving the human race. The movie’s marketing team gives physical descriptions of the Sentinal (a looming 18ft tall) and jogs our memory about its successful implementation in major world cities during the 70’s and 80’s. Keep your eyes open for the ‘vintage’ propaganda posters from past decades of Sentinel deployment.

Danny Rosenberg:

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