END IT: The Movement To End Slavery

End It is an organization dedicated to ending slavery, and its website hosts information about the issue as well as things you can do to help.

The Campaign to End Slavery Now.

The existence of slavery in modern society is an undeniable fact. Even though it is now 2014, human trafficking and slavery are still rampant throughout the world. End It is an organization that seeks to do just what its namesake suggests — end slavery. The site is taking a grassroots online approach to its cause, encouraging supporters to use the hashtag #ENDITMOVEMENT across social media platforms. It’s also encouraging supporters to draw red Xs on their hands, take a picture and share it using the aforementioned hashtag. The site is also informative about the various types of slavery taking place throughout the world, including sex trafficking and child labor.

Raising Money for Anti-Slavery Organizations.

In 2014 thus far, the End It Movement has already raised over $100,000 to support its efforts. The money raised by the site goes directly to a group of charity partners with which the organization works. Love 146, Not For Sale, and the Polaris Project are all affiliated anti-slavery charities. It’s easy to donate directly to the site, but you can also show your support for the organization by buying t-shirts that feature the signature Red X. The organization believes that the best way to stop slavery is by raising awareness and then taking action, so it encourages its supporters to spread the word as much as possible. The organization is making its best efforts by establishing itself as an online presence and attempting to engage a youthful audience, so all those interested in obtaining more information about its causes should definitely browse the site.


Will Hagle:

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