– Taking A News Break

newslitetv – If you feel like you’re going to drop dead the next time you hear the words Healthcare Reform or Oil Spill (that’s not to say these issues aren’t important), stop by to freshen up. This news site strives to bring the marginal yet super interesting headlines into the spotlight, and each article is both intriguing and relatively short. This way, reading weird news is both fun and didactic, just like this cool article on a checked-out book that was returned to the library after 221 years.

Click on the pics below to see some more of my favorite posts:

TV Squad – TV News Central

tvsquad TV Squad – AOL has a whole bunch of blogs on just about any topic. So how come this one made it to the Weekly Faves? Because we felt TV Squad is special and worth your time. Whatever your favorite TV show might be, checking back with TV Squad is entertainment in and of itself, thanks to the blog’s excellent content and interesting topics. Touch base with all the latest news on prime time TV shows, actors, commercials and more. In addition, take advantage of the cool TV Replay feature (videos of priceless TV moments), and watch full episodes of selected shows. Help yourself and tap into an abundant dose of American TV fun!

Gene Wilder Recaptures Childhood in AT&T Commercial

LogoBlog – The Logo Design Hub

logoblog LogoBlog – Simply stated, LogoBlog strives to be “the web’s premiere resource for logo design.” Inspired by the professional talent and high creativity that go into logo design, the LogoBlog team of writers offers engaging posts on the various issues relating to logo design and the visual branding industry. As you would expect from any design related blog, this one looks and feels beautiful. Each article is meant to stir a discussion and a healthy exchange of ideas. This, in my view, is an ideal template for any online hub aiming to provide a valuable resource for the professional community. Great job LogoBlog!

Click on the pics below to read the post I enjoyed the most.




Historic Lols – The Cheezburger’s Spin On History

historiclol Historic Lols – If you’re not familiar with at least one of the many blogs brought to us by Cheezburger, something is seriously wrong with you. The inventors of annotated funny photos of cats is throwing us yet another humor bone. This time it’s in the form of historic photos accompanied by ridiculous annotations. Historic Lol is the perfect coffee break spot, and you’re more than welcome to submit your own take of a funny photo of centuries-old figures, events and what have you, or vote on others’ submissions. Below are the two photos that really made my tummy ache…

In 20 Years – Yikes! Let’s Just Stay Young Forever

in20years In 20 Years – In most parts of the western world, societies celebrate youth both in terms of people’s appearance and vitality. Wrinkles? Cellulite? These have become ‘thanks but no thanks’ terms. Despite our cultural trend of an anti-aging mode of life, we’re always curious to know what we will look like in say, 20 years time. Well, now you can -only if you really want to- thanks to In 20 Years. Upload your photo, check the appropriate boxes for sex, age and drug use (yes, they ask for that), and see what you’ll look like two decades from now. I’ll let you in on a little secret: I was too scared to take this ‘aging test.’ I’d rather let nature do its thing in due course.


BallDroppings – Give Chrome A Hand

balldropping BallDroppings – This site is simple and fun. All you have to do is draw lines under the spot where balls are dropping down. Do this by clicking on a point on the black background and dragging your mouse around, then dropping it. See how the balls cascade down on the small bridges you’ve built for them. You don’t need to be a physics major to enjoy this game, and there’s the added value of knowing that you’ve played your part in a Chrome experiment.


Miroslaw Balka – Exploring The Strange And The Familiar

miroslawbalka Miroslaw BalkaWords simply will not encapsulate the creativity and unique experience this Tate site has to offer. You simply need to dive in and keep an open mind. It’s a most engaging virtual space of celebrating How It Is, an exhibition by Miroslaw Balka, a renowned modern artist from Poland. Embrace the unknown in this dreamy virtual gallery.

Miroslaw Balka

Truck Mania – The Cargo Is In Your Hands

truckmania Truck Mania – Drive the truck on a bumpy ride and ship the cargo to its destination safely. Use the arrow keys to drive forward, backward, to accelerate and to hit the breaks. Be careful; many obstacles on the road will be difficult to pass, but a little bit of caution and patience goes a long way. Don’t forget to collect the gold coins on the way to keep you going!

For more exciting games, join us at I ♥ Games and get cool updates as well as up-to-the-minute game releases.


Weekend Games

Welcome to the Weekly Games post, our weekly feed on the very best and newest games buzzing around the Web. Think of it as the perfect kickoff to your weekend; a sublime collection of excellent games, updated every Thursday.

We hope you enjoy these as much as we did, and now the game experience is even better with our new individual game page design (once you click on a certain game, you’ll be redirected to the new format).

Join us on I♥GAMES Facebook fan page to get instant games updates as they are published and stay ahead of the flash game curve!

robotwantspuppy Robot Wants Puppy – Robot got a kitty, now he needs its help to get a puppy! Why not? Explore and collect powerups to expand Kitty’s abilities.


feedmee Feed Mee – A time-management game in which you must run a restaurant and serve your zombie customers food… or risk becoming their food.


knightelite Knight Elite – As a brave Knight, it is up to you to repel 50 waves of orcs, ogres and other terrors from the fort. Build buildings to fortify your position, unlock new equipment, or create friendly soldier training options.

mircolife Microlife – Keep your creatures alive and well – their lives are in your hands!

omegacrisis Omega Crisis – The human civilization is under a threat of attack from alien beings. Enter the crisis of Omega Sector. Armed with the Experimental Omega Cannon and the most advanced galactic defense technology and resources, your duty as Commander is to protect the starbase in the farthest frontier of galaxy!

armorpicross2 Armor Picross 2 – Follow clues to create pixelated images. Each number indicates how many consecutive blocks will be colored in per row/column.

chaosfaction2 Chaos Faction 2 – Battle your way through 15 new campaign levels with new weapons, characters, moves, and more explosions than you can shake a stick of dynamite at.


wakethepoyaltylevelpack Wake the Royalty: Level Pack – All the royal family is back with brand new levels! Everyone is sleeping in the kingdom. Wake up all the royal family!

extremetrucks3 Extreme Trucks 3 – The third version of the Extreme Trucks series brings spectacular new features like ghost car and hidden bonuses. Compete against the best players on each track, win every race and unlock new bonus levels. Bigger, faster, stronger!!

ablobstale2 A Blobs Tales 2 – The creatures girlfriend has been captured by the dark lord. Use your intelligence to get your way through numerous puzzles surrounding this dark, strange world.

22 Tracks – The Must Have Jukebox

22tracks 22Tracks – The concept of this superb music site is pure and simple; there are twenty-two genres of music to choose from, and twenty-two tracks in every genre to listen to. Refreshed on a regular basis, 22Tracks offers sublime playlists for free, compiled by savvy DJs from Amsterdam. In addition, users are invited to create their own playlist of -you guessed it- 22 tracks tagged as favorite (click on the heart icon next to your desired song). This personalized list is called My22.

When reviewing a music streaming site, my criteria are but a few: quality of music, interface design and music genre variety. 22Tracks passed with flying colors all three aspects, and all I can say is that you simply must try out this most precious website. For more info, check out the 22Tracks blog.


Techi – Not Just Another Tech Blog

techi Techi – The geeks behind Techi claim the following: “We don’t do boring! Well, at least we try.” I seriously think they hold true to that motto. How come? The blog is well designed, and the posts are unique and intriguing. Check Smile More and Dancing Robots, some excellent starting points for you. Let me know what you think of this Tech blog in comparison to the ones here.

Fun Tourist Attractions – A Visual Travel Guide

funtourist Fun Tourist Attractions – If you are thinking about traveling this summer but don’t have a specific destination in mind, Fun Tourist Attractions is the place for you. It is a well organized, comprehensive visual guide. The best part is that it won’t bore you with copious amounts of text, which is so characteristic of conventional travel guides these days. Most of the destinations covered here are accompanied by up-to-date videos and pictures. To really get my drift, check out the example of Tayrona National Park in Colombia, and then compare it with Lonely Planet’s take on the same destination. See what I mean? Should we add Fun Tourist Attractions to our travel guides faveline? If you think so, let us know which one you’d take out.

Another cool feature Fun Tourist Attractions offers is Stumble Travel click it and you will find yourself in an exciting place somewhere around the world. This is a fun feature I strongly recommend that you try out.