Dump – Embracing the Bizarre and Funny
Dump - According to the Urban Dictionary, the word 'dump' refers to an activity (or…
Dump - According to the Urban Dictionary, the word 'dump' refers to an activity (or…
My Parents Were Awesome - Although you may find it hard to believe, before you…
Uniqlo Collection Tokyo 2009 - If you're into fashion and keep up with the various…
Back To The Cubeture - Starring our main man, Cuboy, you'll be sent off on…
Halloween 2009 - A couple of months ago, we launched All My Faves' personalization tool…
Jinni - Searching for movie information and recommendations online could hardly be considered a novelty.…
Tweak Today - Whenever I hear the words assignment, mission or task, my initial reaction…
English Central - This site falls under the "conversational English language learning" category, where users…
The Frisky - Looking for some solid celebrity news without the paparazzi goo and cheesy…
Beds Are Burning - 'Beds Are Burning' is originally a 1987 hit single by the…
It Made My Day - Cherished moments, sporadically interspersed across one's lifespan, are the experiences…
Biscuit Tin - When was the last time you actually sat down and looked through…
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