– Tech’s Cultural Anthropology - Keeping track of technological advances is rather easy; quick headline-skimming on TechCrunch, Wired… - Keeping track of technological advances is rather easy; quick headline-skimming on TechCrunch, Wired…
The Hot Word -, the Web's most widely used reference, dictionary and thesaurus source,…
Redbeacon - The next time you find yourself searching for the services of any professional, stop…
Wetpaint - Simply identified as a "custom-tailored [entertainment platform] for young women who love TV…
ChickRx - Up until now, I would go to several sources for information on the different aspects…
Google Beat - If you're already familiar with Google Trends then Google Beat should seem…
Techdirt - With over 700,000 subscribers, Techdirt is definitely a must read blog. What will you find…
Expatistan - Wouldn't it be great if you were able to compare the living cost…
Kngine - A new Web 3.0 search engine "designed to provide meaningful search results," Kngine…
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