FellowPet: Share and Watch Cute, Funny Pet Videos

Pet lovers everywhere rejoice! FellowPet has landed from doggy heaven to give you the opportunity to share your pets with the world, in one social canine-friendly space (or feline if you prefer of course). It’s full of funny dog and cute cat videos and photos, so if you’re into that, this is a great website for you to try! Watch the video uploaded to FellowPet by the owner of 2 very cute pets, and click here to try the site out.

We’ve created an All My Faves Pets Homepage, helping you animal lovers find the top pets websites on the internet in one visual, easy page. You can personalize your own homepage with our suggested content, as well as adding your own. Try it out, we guarantee to have you purring with delight. Erm, maybe anyway…

Interesting Facts and Trivia: ‘Today I Found Out’

Need to boost your range of useless (or otherwise) facts to boast that you know across the dinner table? Need to post something profound on Twitter? Well now you can do both. ‘Today I Found Out’ has been tirelessly compiling a database of exactly that: Interesting Facts & Trivia, perfect for Pub Quizzes, Pop Quizzes and Dinner Parties everywhere. It’s presented brilliantly as well, which we at All My Faves appreciated! So click on the big picture below, enter, and discover some bizarre and interesting facts you didn’t know before!

Interesting Facts & Trivia: Today I Found Out

We’re all about fun sites like this on All My Faves, and if you create a personalized homepage with us, you’ll be given loads of suggested sites like this to browse and enjoy, as well as adding your own too! Click here to use the internet better today.

Top 10 Cool Gadgets: Christmas 2011

Well folks, it’s that time again. Yes, good old Black Friday is here, the deals extravaganza launching us into our annual Christmas shopping frenzy. And I’ve decided to take you (almost) directly to a select group of gadgets that really are the dog’s bollocks (pardon my French). Enjoy, and let us know what you think you think!

1. Kindle Fire

This isn’t an iPad. It looks a lot like an iPad, works a lot like one, and most importantly, is under half the price of an iPad! Ladies and gents, this is the Kindle Fire: the MUST HAVE gadget of Christmas 2011. It’s a simple, well-crafted tablet PC that lets you read books, newspapers and magazines; watch videos; play games; and browse apps, all in the palm of your hand. It’s sharp display, intuitive touchscreen and beautiful user interface are just amazing for a price of $199.

Continue Reading →

The Weekend Map – Find Local Events and Activities in your city this weekend

The Weekend Map – Ever struggle to think of things to do for the weekend in your city? Well not any more. The Weekend Map does something Facebook can’t: it lists all the public events in your local area for the upcoming weekend, in a lovely, easy-to-find way. Folks I gotta tell you, it’s really awesome, you have to try it. Click on the picture below, and let us know what you think! Maybe I’ll see you at an event in your town soon!

‘New York City Events – Find Local Events in your City for this Weekend!’

Zaarly – Buy and Sell with People Around You

Zaarly helps you buy and sell things with people who live in your local community. From what I’ve seen of it, it allows you to request services or goods from people living near you, and how much you’re willing to pay to get them. And it also allows you to advertise yourself as the goods or services provider, so you can earn some extra cash too.

It seems like a good idea, but depends on how many people in your area pick up the service. If you agree, I suggest signing up and getting started; you could rise to the top of the local rankings in no time! Watch the really, really.. really… happy lady in Zaarly’s introduction video below to see just how you can use Zaarly.

Devour – Awesome Hand-Picked Videos

Devour.com – Interesting fact here for you: Around 48 hours of video is uploaded to YouTube every minute. Apparently that would take you approximately 2800 years to watch all those millions of videos. So good luck trying to find something worth watching on your lunch break!

Devour sifts out the best videos and posts the well-curated collection every weekday. Much like AllMyFaves’ very own handpicked awesome video page in fact… So if you’re tired of the seemingly endless stream of cute kittens and laughing babies, but still want something new and fresh, you’ve got a new site to try out. Actually two. Click both links. You’re welcome.

Seriously funny: Batman is bad at Riddles!

Baby Arthur Recreates Scenes from Classic Movies

StudioArthur – And now time for a bit of British humour for you. A funny mummy in the UK has been passing the time at home with her baby, Arthur, by taking photos of him in (surprisingly accurate) recreations of famous movies. It speaks for itself really, and it’s so cute. Arthur already appears to be going viral, and so All My Faves has jumped on the proverbial bandwagon to bring you more of the best of the web 🙂

Rambo Arthur’s probably my favourite one, but there’s loads more to find. Leave a comment and let us know what you think!

Being Henry – An Interactive Adventure About Choices

Being Henry is actually a Range Rover interactive advert. But before you sigh at the sheer capitalism of it all and move on, we at All My Faves recommend you try this, mainly because, well, it’s really, really cool!

It’s called ‘Being Henry’, and it’s an interactive film in which you get to control a man called Henry’s, and decide what he does with his day through multiple storylines. It merges storytelling and interactivity in a seamless and intuitive way. So if you have a few minutes to spare, see what you think of this. And why not leave us a comment to tell us what you think, and what choices you made for Henry.

Canvas Rider – Get on Your Bike and Ride

Canvas Rider – Get on your bike and ride thousands of tracks drawn by other players! Canvas Rider is an addictive game written only in JavaScript & HTML5, using the most of the new canvas element.

Take This Lollipop – I Dare You

Take This Lollipop – Take This Lollipop is an Interactive Live Action Facebook Connect experience.

Pawcurious – Eat. Play. Love

Pawcurious – Pawcurious is the homepage of veterinarian and animal aficionado Dr. Jessica Vogelsang.

Happy Place – Funny Vids, Pics, Tweets, and more

HappyPlace.com – is from the creators of someecards.com and is dedicated to a wide range of short-form funny content. If you can barely get through reading a paragraph, this is the site for you.