
Broadcastr – Create, Share and Cherish Meaningful Personal Stories

Broadcastr - Twitter and Facebook to some extent serve as a central stage of personal…

Dorkly – Making fun of Videogames and Geeky Entertainment

Dorkly - Videogame comedy. Yes, there is such a thing and it's on fire right…

They Draw & Cook – Illustrated Recipe Collection with Lots of Pizazz

They Draw & Cook - Brother and sister Nate and Salli are a wonderful talented team of…

Memolane – Creating an Audio-Visual Timeline of Your Life

Memolane - This most inspiring and exciting service offers an interactive, ongoing audio-visual timeline of…

Rock-Paper-Scissors: You vs. the Computer – Beat the Machine

Rock-Paper-Scissors: You vs. the Computer - This exciting feature by NY Times' Science section online…

Socialeyes – Free Video Chat and Messaging Service

Socialeyes - This unique free social tool is essentially "a social video service that allows…

Top10 – Listing the Top 10 of Practically Anything

Top10 - Search from the hundreds if not thousands of Top10 lists available on this…

Famous Objects From Classic Movies – Hannibal’s Mask, Anyone?

Famous Objects From Classic Movies - This film trivia/guessing game is a dangerous time waster…

PostPost – Your Own Facebook Newspaper

PostPost - Stay on top your network of Facebook friends by exploring the news feeds… – Laughing is Funny Everywhere - Embark on a noisy, exciting and above all, funny experience of mixing a variety of…

LivingSocial – New Site Gives Groupon a Run For Its Money

LivingSocial - Groupon is probably one of the most talked about websites this year, and for a…

BookLending – Matching eBooks Borrowers & Lenders

BookLending - Love  your Kindle? I bet you love reading then. If you do, BookLending…

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