BookBub: Free and Bargain Books for All Your Devices

BookBub is a service that provides recommendations for books that can be downloaded for free or cheap across all your devices.

A Free Service to Find Free Books

The publishing industry is in a state of flux right now. People are still buying books as well as tablets and e-readers, but the space seems primed for the right start-up to swoop in and revolutionize the way we consume digital content. BookBub is one of the rare start-ups in the book publishing space that understands most consumers want to pay very little or nothing at all for the books they read. That’s not a new concept — as libraries have offered free literature for centuries. BookBub simply helps you find free or deeply discounted books online. The site offers a daily email which features limited-time ebook deals, offering free or cheap books from well-known authors and publishers. The service also caters specifically to your interests, as the editorial staff recommends books based on your preferences and reading habits.

Discover New Books on a Daily Basis

BookBub is one of the better book discovery services available online. The recommendations are more personalized and honest — it’s obvious that they’re mostly done by humans and not by robots or algorithms. The service is also free, which gives you little risk during the process of finding great (also free, usually) books. BookBub can also be used across all tablets and devices — from e-readers to tablets and smartphones. The service is cleanly designed, and it is not limited by a particular genre or style of books. Cookbooks are featured side-by-side with literary novels or genre books. The site makes its money by charging authors and publishers to be featured in the newsletter, which means that both the competition and quality of deals featured in BookBub is high. If you like to read, there’s no reason you shouldn’t be signed up for the free email service.

Will Hagle:

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