
lets you listen to articles from around the web.
Like Podcasts, But Articles

There’s an infinite amount of content on the web. Every second, writers and journalists are churning out stories and trying their best to get us to read them. The problem is that all of us are busy ourselves, and we don’t necessarily have the time to scroll through a lengthy article (although sites like Longreads are great for doing just that). That’s where Play comes in. The site contains a collection of interesting stories from around the web (or, from around the web that have been posted on Medium). There’s a heavy focus on tech and startup-based articles, but there are also sports, music, and culture articles.

Get Used to the Robot Voice

Play is great because it allows us to do something that would normally take up all of our attention (reading an article) and do it in a passive manner. That’s the beauty of listening to podcasts – you can do other stuff while still taking in information or conversation. I’m writing this blog post, for instance, while listening to a Bill Simmons article about the Patriots in advance of their Super Bowl appearance. It can be somewhat difficult to get used to the robotic voice that reads the articles, but if you don’t mind it, Play is a great resource.