The web has eliminated the need for many formally essential household items. A lot can be accomplished with just a laptop. Yet the growing influence of technology hasn’t completely changed the fact that it’s still nice to own cool stuff. Minimums is a blog that profiles the coolest stuff found in the homes of the world’s most interesting people. A diverse group has already been covered by the site, with profiles of people like “Professional Wildman” Wes Siler and “Professional Nerd” Jeff Canntata. The blog doesn’t necessarily feature celebrities or well-known celebrities, but it does showcase an eclectic variety of extremely interesting individuals.
Buy Cool Stuff For Yourself
Each post on Minimums contains the background story of the person being profiled, followed by a list of their most interesting possessions. The blog offers links to buy each of the items discussed on Amazon, which is probably the way they make money. Regardless of Minimums’ money-making attempt, the content on the blog is great. Each interviewee goes into detail about why they own a particular item and what it means to them. A lot of the products are awesome, so it’s helpful to have a link to buy whatever it is for yourself. Even if you don’t want to make a purchase, Minimums is worth reading.