40 Days of Dating: A Social Experiement on Love

Posted on Monday, August 26th, 2013 by

40 Days of Dating - A Social Experiement on LoveDating is hard. But what is even harder is finding love. Two friends go on a journey to see if the impossible can become a reality–falling for each other.

An unconventional possible love story

Everyone loves a happy ending. Unfortunately not everyone can get one.The interesting thing about 40 Days of Dating is that this is not a social experiment hoping that two people will fall in love. 40 Days of Dating is a social experiment based in New York City with two young people named Jessica and Tim. Both of them have had past relationships, but haven’t seemed to work out. They have been friends for years and while Jessica is a hopeless romantic and will jump into a relationship as quickly as possible, Tim is quite the opposite. He spends his time with many women, going on many dates…and seems to have a problem with committing. These two friends couldn’t be more different, which is why they decided to take the challenge and only date one another for 40 days.

40 Days of Dating - Two friends go on a journey to see if the impossible can become a reality--falling for each other.

40 Days of Dating is a social experiment based in New York City with two young people named Jessica and Tim.Will there be a happy ending?

The interesting thing about 40 Days of Dating is that this is not a social experiment hoping that two people will fall in love.  While that is one possibility, this is an experiment to see if two people can change their habits that make them “romantically unavailable.” Is it possible for two such different people to break habits for each other, or will they just go throughout this time making the same mistakes? The answer is unknown, and the outcome of 4o Days of Dating will be one to go down in the record books. Make sure to keep track of Jessica and Tim to see if their differences can form into something people wish for everyday: true love.

40 Days of Dating - an experiment to see if two people can change their habits that make them romantically unavailable.

40 Days of Dating – Tied Up from 40 Days of Dating on Vimeo.

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