Function of Beauty: Haircare Personalized

function1function1Function of Beauty lets you create and order personalized shampoos and conditioner.

Take the Hair Quiz

function2function2If you’ve ever felt like you can’t find the perfect shampoo and conditioner combo that works for your hair style and type, you might need to use Function of Beauty. The company creates customized sets of shampoo and conditioner, tailoring each bottle specifically to your own hair needs. To create your unique mixture, the site takes you through a short “hair quiz,” asking you questions about your hair type and color, as well as some goals that you want to achieve by switching up your hair care products. It asks you to input information like your hair structure and moisture level, as well as some other stuff.


Personalized and (Relatively) Affordable

function5function5When you’re finished taking the hair quiz, Function of Beauty presents to you its results. The site explains what it thinks your hair needs, crafting personalized bottles of shampoo and conditioner based on your responses. Even if you don’t end up buying something through the site, taking the hair quiz offers some interesting insight into your hair treatment and gives some good ideas as to what kinds of products you should be using for it. If you do end up buying something, customized sets start at $36. That’s pricier than a standard bottle of shampoo at your local store, but that’s relatively inexpensive compared to the products sold at some salons and specialty stores. So if you want to start treating your hair better while learning more about it and your own hair goals in the process, you should check out Function of Beauty.


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