Appreciate It – The Longest Collaborative Thank You Note Ever

Appreciate It – This site is straightforward and heart-warming; each user submits the thing he or she is appreciative of or thankful for, and the accumulated submissions creates a huge cloud of interesting, often bizarre, ‘I appreciate it’ notes. Some of my favorites include “being clean,” “the health of my family, the greatest wealth is health,” and “having a healthy baby at 40.” What were you appreciative for in 2010? Submit it using the form on the bottom of the page. – The Colorful Wall of Music – What an original approach to music consumption and discovery!’s homepage is amazing in and of itself -see the screen shot below. Simply pick an artist or band from the hundreds of thmbnail images on the page, or simply type in your artist of choice into the search box.

I couldn’t find my favorite, Nina Simone on the homepage, so I used the search box and voila, here’s what happened (see below). It’s an instant mini player, showing the top music videos of Nina – YouTube videos of all her top hits. The service is simple, extremely rewarding and beautiful to look at. Sounds like a classic Weekly Fave.

Prolific Living – Enriching the Soul

Prolific Living – A Weekly Blog winner, this inspiring little piece of blog heaven is brought to us by Farnoosh, who promises to deliver “Smart Habits for Rich Living.” Armed with a knock-out experience in management, communication, organizational skills and witty writing, Farnoosh offers grade A tips for a fuller life and a satisfied soul.

To give a couple of examples of Prolific Living’s insightful reads, I highly recommend reading these two posts: Self-Reflection: 19 Things I Wish I Knew Earlier in Life and From Fear to Motivation 22 Radical Thoughts. These are but two examples of the immense world of better mind and body tips Farnoosh is offering on Prolific Living. Other topics you will find here include ‘for fun,’ ‘for the body,’ for the heart,’ ‘for the mind,’ ‘for the soul,’ ‘on the road,’ podcasts and videos.  If you’re seeking well-written inspiration to last a lifetime, Prolific Living is it. Here’s an interesting video Farnoosh has published on her blog, titled Yoga Flow Series 1: Welcoming Fall. Yes, she does that, too! Enjoy.

When Parents Text – Unintentional Funny Dissonances

When Parents Text – This Weekly Blog winner is self-explanatory, and you can imagine just how far this Tumblr takes the laughs that lies in generational gaps. I found myself identifying with a commendable number of texts listed in this blog’s archive, and I bet you will, too. Enjoy this one.

Knoword – Didactic Guessing Game

Knoword – I just loved this innovative guessing game. Once you start playing you’ll be presented with a definition and the word’s first letter as a hint. You goal is to guess what the word is and type it quickly in the box before you run out of time. This is a great game to keep your grey brain cells active, and it could also serve as an entertaining game for word-loving kids and adults. For more addicting word games, visit our Games page and scroll down to Words.

Instants – 72 Sound Buttons for Every Occasion

Instants – This Spanish site is a huge bundle of sound joy, offering 72 different buttons where each makes a specific sound that is hilarious in its own right. To give you an example, if I were to tell a joke to a friend and he wouldn’t get it, I’d click the ‘crickets’ button to get out of that uncomfortable silence with style. Other buttons I can’t wait to use are Hallelujah, Muppets, Omnom!, or the vulgar yet equally entertaining Shut Up button. This site is all about laughs and making fun of yourself and others (if you wish of course). The screen shot below shows only the first three rows.

Jane’s Hotel Mania – Keep Your Guests Happy

Jane’s Hotel Mania – In this service game you are Jane, an energetic hotel manager who has lots of customers with different needs. You job is to keep guests happy by cleaning their room, serving them drinks and fixing any mechanical problems upon request. But you have to finish it all in time and collect the minimum number of points to complete each level.

For great game recommendations and updates be sure to visit our I ♥ GAMES page.

Best Sites of 2010 – And the Winners Are…

You’ve had your say, and after a couple of nerve racking weeks results came in for the Best Sites of 2010 voting event.  We are pleased to announce the 10 Weekly Fave winners here below (in no particular order). For your convenience I’ve linked the sites to the respective review blog post we’ve published on each throughout the year so you can learn more about these terrific winners.

The Top 10 Free Online Games: Best of 2010

In addition to the Best Sites of 2010 voting event, All My Faves also held a Best Games of 2010 competition. You played them throughout the year, and your votes nailed down the 40 nominees to 10 winners. Here they are (click the images to play them again):


The 2010 PNC Christmas Price Index – Beautiful Visualization of Price Fluctuations

The 2010 PNC Christmas Price Index – For 27 years now, PNC Bank has been keeping this wonderful tradition of tracking price fluctuations of the gifts mentioned in “The Twelve Days of Christmas” song. This year they’ve created an enchanting interactive website to visualize the 2010 data in comparison to the gifts’ prices in 2009.

See the price change of a partridge in a pear tree, two turtle doves, three French hens, four calling birds and so on, right up to the 12 drummers in 2010. The PNC Christmas Price Index site is so engaging, stunning and fun, learning about the percentages of increase or decrease in the prices of the gifts of Xmas is merely a secondary attraction. Enjoy this one.

Pummelvision – Life Literally Flashing Before Your Eyes

Pummelvision – This rather simple yet powerful tool lets you import your photos from Flickr, Tumblr, or Facebook accounts, and pack them all into a fast forward slide show of the visual memories making up your life and social network.

Although the uploading process takes way too long in my view (hours to days), apparently it’s worth the wait. See the embedded video as a cool example of the end result.

Audioboo – Audio Tweets with Added Perks

Audioboo – This UK based company offers a terrific service allowing users to “record audio while on the move and add as much useful data to it as possible, such as photos, tags and location.” Although the Audioboo service’s full fledged benefits are ideal for mobile (currently offering an app for iPhone and Android), a PC interface is also available which allows you to both listen to and upload ‘boos’ as they call it.

What I found particularly interesting is the sharing aspect of Audioboo; you can follow or be followed via RSS subscriptions and iTunes’ podcast option. Sharing and following has become a must in practically every content producing website these days, and Audioboo has made great use of it. I recommend exploring Audioboo’s Channels selection (most are radio stations) as these offer intriguing discussions in various areas of interest. My current favorite ‘boo’ is the BBC London Channel. To learn more about Audioboo see the introduction video below.

Intro to Audioboo from Mark Rock on Vimeo.