Graffmap: Share and Discover Street Art

Posted on Monday, September 8th, 2014 by

Graffmap is an app designed to allow users to share and discover street art from around the world.Graffmap is an app designed to allow users to share and discover street art from around the world.

Browse a Map of Street Art in Any City

Graffmap is an iOS app that allows users to discover new graffiti  while taking photographs and sharing what they find on the street. Graffmap - Share and Discover Street ArtThe app utilizes map technology to allow users to browse any area in the world. Wherever another Graffmap user has, for lack of a better word, tagged a piece of street art, you can click on the image and view a high quality photo. If you’re in the area, you can head over to that location and check it out in person for yourself. Although street art decorates tons of buildings around the world, Graffmap’s map is clean and not cluttered, making it easier to find the best pieces of art.

Graffmap helps preserve street art for a longer period of time, while sharing it with those who can appreciate it.Upload your Own Street Art Discoveries

If you come across street art on your travels or in your home city, you can capture an image on your phone and upload it to the map. Graffmap asks for three images in order to capture the art in more detail, as well as a description of what you saw and where you saw it.Graffmap asks for three images in order to capture the art in more detail, as well as a description of what you saw and where you saw it. Some might be skeptical as to how Graffmap might be used by property owners or authority figures, but the reality is that street art is often wiped away within a few days. Graffmap helps preserve street art for a longer period of time, while sharing it with those who can appreciate it.

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