Cheap Art Classifieds: Find, Buy and Sell Cheap Art

Cheap Art Classifieds is a fun, friendly and safe place to connect with your neighbors for local and in-person commerce.

Artwork Under $1,000

Cheap Art Classifieds operates under the principle that art should be available to everyone, not just the rich and privileged. Unfortunately, art prices have skyrocketed, making many pieces simply unattainable for those without the cash to buy it. In order to further its mission of keeping art affordable, Cheap Art Classifieds only offers artwork priced under $1,000. That means the pieces can still be quite expensive, but that also means that they’re high-quality and interesting. The site was created out of a partnership with Krrb, which is a classifieds site connecting individuals around the world with unique things to buy and sell.

Connect with Local Artists and Artists Around the World

Cheap Art Classifieds should be familiar to anyone who has browsed or shopped on Krrb, as it uses the same platform to display its listings. The focus on the site is on local shopping and community, much like a Craigslist but with better design, images, and more trusted profiles. Many of the pieces are sold directly by the artists themselves, and are available for in-person pick-up. Some sellers also offer shipping or local delivery. Each piece also comes with a description about the art or the artist, providing some extra background for buyers. None of the payment is processed through the site, so you can work out deals with the sellers if you’re paying in cash or using PayPal or another online payment system. The site has a great approach to furthering the art community, and it’s worth checking out to find some cheap and interesting artwork.

Will Hagle:

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