Ping: Notifications That Match Your Interests

Ping is an app that keeps you notified about the things you’re interested in.

Push Notifications You Can Rely On.

Ping was once Apple’s failed and overhyped iTunes-connected social network. Now it’s a completely unrelated app that’s available on the iOS App Store. It’s a free app, and it was created by the team of developers behind Secret. The app plays off the increasingly common phenomenon of push notifications, which seem to be a part of every new app available for iOS these days. If you’ve ever received a CNN or NY Times alert about some minor news story in which you have zero interest at all, you know what I’m talking about. Thankfully, Ping’s notifications are much more entertaining. They’re usually small tidbits of information, mostly written in a humorous manner and intended to amuse rather than to inform (although they can definitely be informative, too). It’s like a smart, funny form of personal assistant, always reminding you of things throughout the day.


Like Yo, But with More Words.

As with any form of push notifications, Ping isn’t always relevant. But the app takes a step further by figuring out the topics in which you’re interested when you set up the app. If you want a daily fortune cookie, Ping can send that. If you want recommendations for a movie to see over the weekend, Ping can do that, too. It seems as if there’s really nothing Ping can’t send you, so it’s genuinely a useful tool to be reminded about things going on in the world around you. The simplicity of the design, the humorous language used and the customizability all make Ping worth a download. It’s fun to receive the little updates throughout the day, no matter how insignificant they may be. At least it beats CNN’s pointless, repetitive news stories.


Will Hagle:

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