Best of 2012: Vote Now for the Top 10 Best Websites 2012!

One month on from one rather important vote, we’ve decided to land another one on you… We at All My Faves have provided you with our favorite websites, apps and games every week, all through 2012, and now it’s up to YOU. This is YOUR chance to VOTE for the absolute best of the web. For the 10 Best Websites of 2012!

When the Weekly Faves gets serious…

Dear avid consumers of AllMyFaves’ weekly selection of cool websites, apps and games, I’m sure you will have been expecting this. Yes, every Monday, every week of the year, our AllMyFaves team has tested out and brought you all the cool websites, apps, and games we think you will love. And now it’s time to make things a bit personal. We need YOU to pick what you think are the absolute BEST websites of 2012.

We’ve picked our favorites out of this year’s Weekly Faves, and grouped them into a nominations page. Your job is to take a look through the list, pick out some cool websites that catch your eye, and then show them some love with a vote for best website 2012! And your vote really does matter, because the 10 websites that get the most votes win our coveted title of one of the Top 10 best websites 2012!

How Do I Vote?

This all sounds wonderful of course, but you may be asking yourself, “well I’ve clicked on that page, what do I do now!?”.

Well folks, it’s pretty simple. First click onto our special Vote 2012 page. Next click on a category you like, whether that’s the best websites to browse on your coffee break, or the best websites for self improvement. Then click on a cool website, app or game that you want to try out. And then, if you think that website deserves a bit of support, show it some love by clicking “like” on our special toolbar and get your vote counted!

The 10 websites with the most votes will be featured on All My Faves for the ENTIRE YEAR of 2013, while last year’s best websites of 2011 have gone on to get a huge amount of success following victory with AllMyFaves 🙂

You can vote for as many cool websites as you like: this is your chance to discover the best that the web has offered in 2012. Make sure you don’t miss out!

Brooke Weinbaum:

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