TypingWeb – How Fast Can You Type?

Posted on Monday, June 8th, 2009 by

TypingWeb – Let’s say you type 20 words per minute (WPM), 20 hours a week. Assuming your speed increases to 65 WPM, you would save 2 hours per day, 13.8 hours per week, 58.2 hours per month and 5054 hours per year. Either way you look at it, that’s quite a bit of time ‘saved’. Now, would you honestly say it’s possible to increase one’s typing speed so drastically? According to TypingWeb the answer is yes.

TypingWeb is a free online typing tutor. Its uniqueness lies in the tutor’s (or algorithms’) ability to maintain a sort of a progress log of your performance – think of it as your private teacher. TypinWeb takes into consideration the fact that each one of us is unique in terms of ‘talent’ and expertise level. To this end each TypingWeb lesson focuses on different key sets and keyboard areas. In addition, they keep a record of your particularly challenging keys, stored as you type. They even provide user-specific help, statistics, and lessons for those nasty little letters giving you the most trouble. Should this be added to our writing skills faveline? I think this is a must.

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