Posted on Monday, March 16th, 2009 by Shachar Pessis
Evri – At first glance, Evri, reminded me of the search-and-results methodology of Musicovery – an interactive web radio. However, while Musicovery works by the principle of offering matching music to a provided artist name or genre, Evri locates more encompassing relevant results to your search and provides you with contextually relevant articles, papers, blogs, images, audio clips and videos. For example, I searched for one of my favorite artists, Joan Miró. The results led me to René Magritte – a surrealist painter I didn’t know much about – and then on to René Van Der Wouden, who is a contemporary musician creating electronic music. What connected these three results together? The young Mr. Van Der Wouden was inspired by both Joan Miró and René Magritte. If you feel you haven’t got the gist of Evri, I recommend that you watch the video below to see how American Idol is related to John Lennon. Doesn’t this site remind you of the Butterfly Effect?