CHNL: Flip Through Your Favorite Social Networks

Posted on Monday, January 21st, 2013 by

Alas we have yet another social network conglomerate. But this time-it’s different and made for your viewing pleasure. If you want to browse through the most recent status updates, tweets, job changes, and photo uploads, CHNL is the world’s first social content browser that allows you to create your own personal channel.

Flip Through Social Network Channels

If your new year’s resolution is to cut down on computer time, CHNL brings you a more efficient way of browsing through your social media networks. CHNL puts all of your favorite networks into one stream-lined newsfeed for your entertainment and as always to inform you of what’s going on today. If you’re interested in one specific social network, have no fear, you can choose to see only one in particular. See something a friend shared that you’re dying to read or watch? Click save and browse later!


Fun to Browse

When you’re looking for a five minute break at work, the last thing you want to do is read some more. Select “All Types” and “Video” to watch some of the latest videos your friends are sharing, and of course images, tweets, and articles work the same way. CHNL understands that sometimes social media can be overwhelming, so consolidating it into one newsfeed makes our lives easier, and much more shareable (yes, that is a word)!

Next time you get frustrated that you have too many tweets, videos, and filtered photos to look through, thank CHNL for creating an efficient, stylish feed of all things social! Check out why CHNL is your new fave tool.

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