9 Social Issues That Impact Us All

Posted on Tuesday, May 5th, 2015 by

kjJust because you’re not impacted now doesn’t mean you won’t be down the line.

Stop And Think For A Moment

Unfortunately events occur in today’s world that have a strong and lasting impact. What we do today can cause permanent damage tomorrow or slowly over time. People say that whatever we do today will come and bite us tomorrow. Sadly, that’s true. There are issues all around us, and unfortunately, they could have been prevented. Here are 9 social issues that impact us all in some way or another. These are just 9 — there are many more all around us. Next time you’re doing something that could have a negative impact, stop and think for a moment.

1. Trees Aren’t Just For Wood.

Social issues that impact us all

2. Plastic Bags Kill.

Social issues that impact us all

3. Don’t Drink And Drive.

Social issues that impact us all

4. If You Don’t Pick It Up, They Will.

Issues that impact us all

5. Ending Childhood Hunger Is Easier Than You Think.

Issues that impact us all

6. Buckle Up No Matter Where You Sit.

Issues that impact us all

7. The Speed Limit Is There For A Reason.

Issues that impact us all

8. Women Are Equals.

Issues that impact us all

9. Let Them Cross The Street.

Issues that impact us all

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